Expires in ten minutes an hour a day a week two weeks a month Language Autodetect Bash C C++ C# CSS HTML Java JSON Lua Markdown Markdown Objective-C Perl PHP Python Raw HTML Ruby Swift Text only -------- ABAP ABNF ActionScript ActionScript 3 Ada ADL Agda Aheui Alloy AmbientTalk AMDGPU Ampl ANSYS parametric design language ANTLR ANTLR With ActionScript Target ANTLR With CPP Target ANTLR With C# Target ANTLR With Java Target ANTLR With ObjectiveC Target ANTLR With Perl Target ANTLR With Python Target ANTLR With Ruby Target ApacheConf APL AppleScript Arduino Arrow ASCII armored AspectJ aspx-cs aspx-vb Asymptote Augeas autohotkey AutoIt Awk BARE Base Makefile Batchfile BBC Basic BBCode BC Befunge BibTeX BlitzBasic BlitzMax BNF Boa Boo Boogie Brainfuck BST BUGS c-objdump ca65 assembler cADL CAmkES CapDL Cap'n Proto CBM BASIC V2 CDDL Ceylon Coldfusion CFC CFEngine3 Coldfusion HTML cfstatement ChaiScript Chapel Charmci Cheetah Cirru Clay Clean Clojure ClojureScript CMake COBOL COBOLFree CoffeeScript Common Lisp Component Pascal Bash Session Coq cpp-objdump CPSA Crystal Crmsh Croc Cryptol Csound Orchestra Csound Document Csound Score CSS+Django/Jinja CSS+Genshi Text CSS+Lasso CSS+Mako CSS+mozpreproc CSS+Myghty CSS+PHP CSS+Ruby CSS+Smarty CUDA Cypher Cython D d-objdump Dart DASM16 Debian Control file Debian Sourcelist Delphi Devicetree dg Diff Django/Jinja Docker MSDOS Session Darcs Patch DTD Duel Dylan Dylan session DylanLID Earl Grey Easytrieve EBNF eC ECL Eiffel Elixir Elm EmacsLisp E-mail ERB Erlang erl session Erlang Evoque execline xtlang Ezhil Factor Fantom Fancy Felix Fennel Fish Flatline FloScript Forth Fortran FortranFixed FoxPro Freefem F# FStar Futhark GAP GAS g-code GDScript Genshi Genshi Text Gherkin GLSL Gnuplot Go Golo GoodData-CL Gosu Graphviz Groff Groovy GSQL Gosu Template Haml Handlebars Haskell Haxe Hxml Hexdump HLSL HSAIL Hspec HTML+Cheetah HTML+Django/Jinja HTML+Evoque HTML+Genshi HTML+Handlebars HTML+Lasso HTML+Mako HTML+Myghty HTML + Angular2 HTML+PHP HTML+Smarty HTML+Twig HTML+Velocity HTTP Hybris Hy Inform 6 template Icon IDL Idris Elixir iex session Igor Inform 6 Inform 7 INI Io Ioke IRC logs Isabelle J JAGS Jasmin JavaScript JavaScript+Cheetah JavaScript+Django/Jinja JavaScript+Lasso JavaScript+Mako Javascript+mozpreproc JavaScript+Myghty JavaScript+PHP JavaScript+Ruby JavaScript+Smarty JCL Julia console JavaScript+Genshi Text JSGF JSLT JSON-LD Java Server Page Julia Juttle Kal Kconfig Kernel log Koka Kotlin Kuin Lasso Lean LessCss Lighttpd configuration file Limbo liquid Literate Agda Literate Cryptol Literate Haskell Literate Idris LiveScript LLVM LLVM-MIR LLVM-MIR Body Logos Logtalk LSL Makefile Mako MAQL Mask Mason Mathematica Matlab Matlab session Meson MIME MiniD MiniScript Modelica Modula-2 Monkey Monte MOOCode MoonScript Mosel mozhashpreproc mozpercentpreproc MQL Mscgen MuPAD MXML Myghty MySQL NASM NCL Nemerle nesC NestedText NewLisp Newspeak Angular2 Nginx configuration file Nimrod Nit Nix Node.js REPL console session Notmuch NSIS NumPy NuSMV objdump objdump-nasm Objective-C++ Objective-J OCaml Octave ODIN OMG Interface Definition Language Ooc Opa OpenEdge ABL Text output PacmanConf Pan ParaSail Pawn PEG Perl6 Pig Pike PkgConfig PL/pgSQL Pointless Pony PostgreSQL SQL dialect PostScript Gettext Catalog POVRay PowerShell Praat Procfile Prolog PromQL Properties Protocol Buffer PostgreSQL console (psql) PsySH console session for PHP Pug Puppet PowerShell Session Python 2.x Traceback Python console session PyPy Log Python Traceback Python 2.x QBasic QML QVTO Racket Ragel Ragel in C Host Ragel in CPP Host Ragel in D Host Embedded Ragel Ragel in Java Host Ragel in Objective C Host Ragel in Ruby Host Ruby irb session RConsole Rd ReasonML REBOL Red Redcode reg ResourceBundle reStructuredText Rexx RHTML Ride Relax-NG Compact Roboconf Graph Roboconf Instances RobotFramework RQL RSL Rust SARL SAS Sass Scala Scaml scdoc Scheme Scilab SCSS SmartGameFormat Shen ShExC Sieve Silver Singularity Slash Slim Slurm Smali Smalltalk Smarty Smithy Standard ML Snobol Snowball Solidity SourcePawn SPARQL RPMSpec S SQL sqlite3con SquidConf Scalate Server Page Stan Stata SuperCollider SWIG systemverilog TADS 3 TAP TASM Tcl Tcsh Tcsh Session Tea teal Tera Term macro Termcap Terminfo Terraform TeX Textile Thrift ThingsDB tiddler Typographic Number Theory Todotxt TOML MoinMoin/Trac Wiki markup TrafficScript Treetop Transact-SQL Turtle Twig TypeScript TypoScript TypoScriptCssData TypoScriptHtmlData ucode Unicon UrbiScript USD Vala VBScript VCL VCLSnippets VCTreeStatus Velocity verilog VGL vhdl VimL WebAssembly WDiff Web IDL Whiley X10 XML XML+Cheetah XML+Django/Jinja XML+Evoque XML+Lasso XML+Mako XML+Myghty XML+PHP XML+Ruby XML+Smarty XML+Velocity Xorg XQuery XSLT Xtend XUL+mozpreproc YAML YAML+Jinja YANG Zeek Zephir Zig Create